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Upcoming Event! Meet InnoRules in "NEXAWEB GRAND SEMINAR 201

|  2016-09-09
"NEXAWEB GRAND SEMINAR 2016" will be held on November 16. The seminar is sponsored by Nexaweb Japan. Please visit us and let us have the chance to help innovate your business by all means. *** NEXAWEB GRAND SEMINAR 2016*** "Lead the business to success, with the secret of IT service development." [Date] November 16, 2016 (Wed) 13:30 to 17:30 (Registration starts at 13:00) [Location] C…
Industry News

InnoRules Introduced in Daily Insurance News in Japan

|  2016-09-09
InnoRules was introduced on today's paper, "Daily Insurance News (HOMAI)", on November 2, 2016. The article includes our BRMS product "InnoRules" and product management solution "InnoProduct" which runs based on InnoRules. The products' success recently in the insurance market of Japan and the effort InnorRules is showing to be the best of help to their customers were also mentioned in the artic…
News Clip

InnoRules in "Korea IT EXPO 2016 in Japan"

|  2016-09-09
"Korea IT EXPO 2016" was held in Japan, on November 8. Thank you, everyone, for coming to Korea IT EXPO 2016, which was held yesterday. There was also a seminar with a timely theme, such as FinTech, IoT, and AI. All the booth ended in success. Thank all of you who made time to visit and show interest in InnoRules.
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